Does anybody know english or romanian?
2007-06-20 04:36:28 UTC
Does anybody know english or romanian?
Tre risposte:
2007-06-20 04:46:19 UTC
è inutile ke fai il finto inglese but yeah i know english very well unlike you
Master X
2007-06-20 04:49:48 UTC
what do you mean... english or romanian people o language??

Anyway I'm both.... I know english (I've lived for some years in USA and I' from Rome, and now I'm living in Rome)

Just mail me.....

quindi se devi da parlà romanesco, abbasta che me chiedi... si invece hai da 'mparatte l'ingrese... fa come te pare... so poligrotta e quinni me poi chiede quello che te pare....
2007-06-20 04:49:41 UTC

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